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Our Program History
The Development of our Program
The foundation of our program is 3 beautiful ladies ironically in Black, Yellow and Chocolate that all exceled in Temperament, Health, Physical Conformation and the desire to work. The girls, based on genetics can carry additional colors but we are proud at the foundation these 3 girls gave us.
UNJ UKC CH Beulahland Daddy's Little Girl CGC, TDI, WC

We brought Regnea into our home in December of 2007 and from Beuhland Labradors. From her 2nd litter we kept a Black Bitch and named her Kara
BISS UKC CH Lynneville's Irish Melody WC "Kara"
Kara was our pick from day 1. She earned her UKC CH by 1 year of age and took a UKC BISS by 2 years of age. She was also AKC Major pointed and produced just lovely for us. In Kara's 2nd litter we bred to our retired by "O" and we kept a Black Bitch named Remmy.

Lynneville's OWhat a Shot in the Dark "Remmy"

Remmy is very loved and resides with my Brother-in-law and his family in Maryland. Remmy gave us 2 litters and from her 2nd litter we retained 2 puppies. Chewy (Chocolate Male) and Mia our Black Female
CAN CH Lynneville's Fat MaMa TKN "Mia"
Mia was everything we wanted. She was and still is a beautiful Black Bitch and from her 1st litter we actually broke the tradition and kept a Yellow Female named "Laney" she has produced so consistently in her 2nd litter we co-own her singleton daughter named "Pepper" and in her 3rd litter we kept her son named "Clay".
Lynneville's Long Walk Down the Lane "Laney"

Laney .. our beautiful girl 5 generations from Regena that is clear on all of her genetic clearances and her Sire comes from the same lines as our girl Nami. So we locked in our heritage with her as well as a blend to other lines we are fond of.
Lynneville's Pepper Potts Nelson "Pepper"
Pepper - is from Mia's 2nd Breeding which we took to Frozen semen and ended up with a singleton in 2022. We placed her with a very special family who allowed us to breed her and from her 1st breeding we kept a black female who we just absolutely love to continue on with her Frozen Sire Lines. Her name is Basil.

Lynneville's Mud Money CGC TDI ATT TKN FTN FITB "Clay"

After not having a boy for over 10 years Clay was everything I could of ask for and more. He is the Full sibling to Laney to I am very excited to see how he produces. In his first 4 months in Obedience, early 2024 he earned 6 Certificates/AKC Titles so I could not be happier.

Lynneville's such a Tease "Tease"

Tease .. Is a pedigree I have dreamed of putting together for the last 5 years and boy did it blend well for me. Tease is the daughter of Laney and our black boy Otis and I just love how sweet this little girl is. Very excited about her future.

Lynneville's Homegrown "Basil"

Basil is the Grand-daughter of Mia, Grand-daughter of Bolo (Frozen Semen from 2006) and the daughter of Pepper and just the sweetest puppy we have bred in quite sometime. Most importantly she is the best-friend to our grand-daughter Avery. :)
AKC Major Pointed Forsythe Riverwitch at Vonhausman "Mattie"
Mattie - Mattie came to us from my good friend Claudia Vagil who sadly lost her battle with Cancer shortly after Mattie joining us. Mattie came to us for some training and socialization and has never left. She is AKC Major pointed and one of the Best Producers I have ever had the pleasure of owning.

CAN CH Lynneville's Last Promise Fulfilled TKN "CeeVee"

CeeVee was from Mattie's first litter and we are so blessed to have her. She consistently, like her mother, produced lovely from every litter she had that we are happy to say we retained a puppy from every litter to continue her lines.
Lynneville's Don't Tread on me "Moss" CGC
Moss is from CeeVee's 1st Litter bred to one of our Stud's Chewy (Mia's brother). Moss has a lovely dark coat like his grandmother Mattie and super sweet temperment like his mother and father.

Lynneville's Shakin not stirred Hold the Olive "Olive"

Olive comes from CeeVee's second Litter and Olive is actually the same pedigree as Moss. We loved that blend so much that we repeated the breeding and it really clicked again for us.
Lynneville's Dirty Martini "Pimento"
When we made the decision to keep Olive we knew we wanted a female to continue on our lines and "Pimento" is everything (and sometimes more) that we had hoped for :)

GRCH CAN CH Stormy C Tsunami over Lynneville CGC TKN "Nami"

"Nami" - This Bitch was a blast to show as she truly loved every minute of it. She had 4 litters for us and truly produced such lovely girls (and boys) from every litter. Nami sadly passed away in 2023 from a very aggressive cancer and I truly miss her everyday. She was my pleasure to share a leash with and I miss those days...
AKC pointed CAN CH Lynneville's Southern Comfort TKN "Whiskey"
"Whiskey" is 1 of 3 puppies we kept from Nami's 1st Litter. She has a phenomenal field drive and just loved the show ring. Whiskey has 11 AKC pointed and finished her Canadian Championship in one weekend.

AKC pointed CAN CH Lynneville's Gun Powder and Lead "Shelly" TKN

"Shelly" is from Nami's 2nd Litter and her sire is our retired boy Colt. Shelly is also AKC CH Pointed and not to be out-done also finished her Canadian Championship in one weekend just like her sister and her father.
Lynneville's Bomb Cyclone at Stormy C "Cy" TKN ATT
"Cy" is the identical pedigree to Shelly and is from Nami's 4th Litter again bred to our boy Colt. Cy is super sweet and easy going and has a beautiful coat with her mother's head piece.

Lynneville's Ready Aim Fire "Ammo"

"Ammo" is the daughter of Shelly and granddaughter of Nami. She is the first puppy we have produced that carries all 3 of our foundation lines behind her as well as our foundation boys Colt and O, so we are very excited for her future.
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